On 10-13 July 2023, Thai PBS delegates participated in the 2023 Global News Forum under this year's theme 'AI, Leading Change & Inspiring a Greener Future'. The events consist of; 1. A News Group Meeting, 2. Global News Forum, 3. AI Master Classes, where media practitioners could participate in. Mr. Thepchai Yong, former Thai PBS Director General, currently an Executive Advisor to the Thai PBS Director General overseeing Thai PBS World, represented Thai PBS as a speaker in panel 1: ‘Inspiring Change - CEOS and News Directors share their priorities and targets, and discuss how they prepare their teams for change’ at the Global News Forum.

The event also featured the AsiaVision Awards where Thai PBS won AsiaVision’s Best TV News Story Awards category. This year's forum was hosted under the hospitality of the Kuching local state authority in Sarawak, Malaysia. In preparation for Thai PBS as the 2024 Global News Forum host, towards the end of the event, Thai PBS also announced itself as the next year's Global News Forum host.