
Independence and accountability
The responsibility of safeguarding the independence of Thai PBS rests with the Board of Governors, the policy-making body that sets the strategic direction of Thai PBS and oversees its operations.
Its board of governors is elected through an independent process and serves a four-year term. The composition of the Board of Governors is designed to encompass a wide range of expertise and backgrounds, including the media, management, community development children, and family welfare.
Thai PBS Director General and Executive Board play key roles in broadcasting operations. Appointed by the board of governors for a four-year term which is renewable, the managing director is Chief Executive and also serves as a secretary of the Board of Governors to ensure smooth coordination and an effective line of communication between policymakers and management.
As a publicly funded organization, Thai PBS considers accountability the key element in its management and programming. Thai PBS makes itself accountable to the public through its annual reports to the house of representatives and senate. The annual report must cover all aspects of its program and operations, particularly financial performance, program commissioning for independent producers, feedback from the Audience Council and the general public, and how audience complaints are addressed.
Thai PBS's expenditures and use of assets are examined by the State Auditor General to establish whether they comply with the principle of cost-effectiveness and organization objectives. To ensure efficiency and create public trust, Thai PBS performance is also subjective to evaluation by independent evaluate us to take into account the questions of efficiency, Organization, development, public support, and audience satisfaction.
Treating Everyone as Citizens
Thai PBS follows do universal value of public broadcasters in speaking to everyone as a citizen. While one of Thai PBS’s basic tenets is to encourage access to and participation in public life, its Board of Governors also set up the following objectives:
⁃ public awareness and participation in the building of a just and democratic society through bold and impartial reporting with the public interest at its heart.
⁃ Educate inform and entertain every sector of society with the aim of promoting quality citizenry.
⁃ to inspire and encourage imagination and creativity.
⁃ To contribute to a sense of identity, cultural diversity, and social harmony.
⁃ To reflect social diversity and provide space for minorities in specific groups with the aim of promoting public participation both at the local and national levels.
⁃ To help towards understanding good relationships both at the regional and global levels.
Code of Ethics
As a public broadcaster, Thai PBS has a distinctive place in the Thai media industry. Its code of ethics insures that Thai PBS carries out its mission with full accountability and integrity as well as respect for the rights of others. All personnel of Thai PBS is obliged to strictly abide by its code of ethics that governs program production and program contents. The process of designing the code of ethics was inclusive, taking into account opinions and suggestions from representatives of Thai PBS employees, program producers, the Audience Council, and experts in the field of mass communications.
Thai PBS has a sub-committee to oversee the conduct of employees at all levels and to monitor program and news content to make sure that they are in compliance with the code of ethics. The committee also investigates complaints about breaches of the code of ethics from Thai PBS audiences.