Message from Director General
On the occasion that I took the office of Thai PBS Director General on July 24th, 2017, many challenges are laying ahead from external and internal circumstances. Externally, there were drastic changes in media landscapes affecting television and radio broadcasting like never before, while internal challenge arises from the fact that Thai PBS celebrates the 10th anniversary in 2018. According to the law, Thai Public Broadcasting Service Act is permitted to be amended every 10 years term, so here comes a crucial moment for Thai PBS to re-evaluate itself and to show the value of our duties to the society.

Amidst all the challenges, I believe that there is also an opportunity to recreate this organization to be a trusted brand for the public once again.
Our Management team had brainstormed with all stakeholders involved in the process, formulating strategies to tackle those challenges. Among them is a strategy to create sustainable differentiation from other media to drive learning that stimulates social changes. We are aiming to focus on environmental reform, social inequality reduction, global changes affecting the Thai people and also aesthetic culture and arts to inspire Thailand to become a life-long learning society. These contents aim at providing the public and society with our best possible public services.
Moreover, our strategies for sustainability include work efficiency and good governance, providing reliable contents, elevating current network relationship to become strategic stakeholders. We also aim at cultivating public consciousness and developing multi-skills for our staff to be well-prepared for the full range of digital era. We are expanding strategic roles to our regional centers to work more closely with people in the regions. We are committed to being an organization of dignity and pride that the public can rely on.